Monday, August 4, 2008

our harvest

Our garden/experiment has been so fun! I am surprised every time I see something has grown. Unfortunately, the raspberries have all died, but some other things have survived our inexperience. We picked a few carrots, cherry tomatoes, green beans, one strawberry, some lettuce and 5 corn cobs today. I'm not sure how to tell when the corn is ready, so we just picked them hoping they were done.

The pumpkins are out of control and taking over the garden. The vines are wrapping themselves around other plants and getting into places they are not supposed to be. It will be fun to have pumpkins in the fall, but for now they are a pain.

We are going to have a yummy salad with all of this tonight. I think it tastes better just knowing you grew it. This is our first garden and every little thing is exciting, I'm sure next year the novelty will have grown off. For now I am REALLY enjoying it.


Amanda Howell said...

My planted a garden last year and the pumpkins took over as well. They even took over the watermelons and we got a few pumpkin/watermelon hybrids. It was cool. The kids loved helping my mom plant and harvest. Thanks to the crazy pumpkins the girls each were able to take home and carve like four of them for Halloween that year.

Cardalls said...

YUMMY! I miss fresh produce!

Carol said...

i was just wondering about your little garden the other day. congrats on the harvest, that is SO fun. i doubt the excitement will wear off...i love to tinker in my little not so producing but lovely garden.

Jer + Lu said...

I am so impressed!! Keep up the good work!