To be honest these last several months have been long and hard! After doing everything Dr. #1 recommended for about 3 months, I felt extremely worse as aposed to better. Dr. #2 has been nice but admittedly isn't an expert in the field of thyroid, endrocryn system issues, although he has been the most helpful. And under his care I am felling better, still not 100%. Dr. #3 is a specialist in the area and she and Dr. #1 couldn't be more polar opposites. She basically told me that everything he did messed me up more. I was feeling that, however its not really something you want to hear, that you wasted so much time and money to make yourself worse. Dr. #3 said she'll see me in 3 months in the mean time stick to Dr. #2.
Part of the frustration is that I've really tried to be prayerful and close to the Lord through this process. I guess there is something I was supposed to learn from Dr. #1. I've really tried to do a lot of research on my own to try to figure what exactly is off, based on all my blood work several things were off and there are obviously very different opinions on how to treat them (or not). I guess the key is to let the Holy Ghost be your guide. I am finding that it is really hard to distinguish between His voice and all the others.
I will say this experience has really allowed me to grow spiritually, and my husband and I are much closer through all of this. I am grateful for that.
I do MISS my Vegas friends!! I think that has added to it a little. I had such a wonderful support group and such close friends! It is hard to start over. We so far haven't made any real friends that go past the Sunday greetings. I know that is mostly my fault, I haven't really had the energy to invite people over, etc. Now that I am feeling better, I know things will improve, it just takes time.
Wow, I didn't mean for this to be so "poor me!" There have been some good things too. When my husband goes on an extended trip to somewhere fun, we just pack up the kids and go with him. School? What's that. Our poor Super Girl has missed a bit of school this year. Her grades are great, we aren't worried about it. The latest trip took us through Zion's National Park. It was beautiful!! I'll include a few pictures, but they don't do it justice. Leaving through the East side of the park you go through this mile long tunnel basically through a mountain. I wouldn't recommend it if you are closterphobic. As we were about to go in Super Girl says, "You wouldn't want to be in here in an earthquake!"
Thanks! I was actually trying to avoid that thought. It was kind of funny though.

These three mountains are called the three patriarchs after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I thought that was interesting.
Wow Lis. You've been through so much these past few months!! Glad to hear things are finally looking up :) Hang in there, tiger.
What a fun family trip.
I'm so glad that you posted. I have clicked in several times hoping for an update. I am sorry that things have gone so badly health wise for you. I am happy to hear that you are finding the right solutions now and starting to do better. Sometimes we never know why. You are a make lemonade out of lemons type of girl. Good thing you can see the positives and blessings despite the hardships.
Hang in there :)
I am so glad you are blogging again, I was honestly beginning to worry so much about you guys and not really having anyway of contacting you other than this blog...I was feeling detached. We sure do miss you! I am glad that things are looking better with the new doctors and that you have had some good times with the family. Please post more often and keep in touch! :) Can you email me your address??
Thank goodness for Google Reader, it checks blogs for you and sends new ones to your home page. So glad to see you up again. Josh mentioned you were having a hard time with your health, I had no idea it was that bad. Sorry. I totally know what you mean about the doctor thing, even though we were going for different reasons, it's hard because you have to/want to/need to be able to trust them. We wasted a lot of time and money with bad doctors before finally finding a good one. Not to mention the fact that trials like these can totally test your faith. Blessings, prayers, etc. it all makes you start to make you doubt yourself. I'm glad you're starting to feel better though. Hopefully you've made it through the worst.
I am so glad your back to your blog...We've missed you guys.
I hope you continue to feel better
Yay--you are posting again! Good to talk to you today. I'm glad you are doing better!
It almost makes me cry thinking about everything you've been through. You must be feeling a bit better to be blogging, so thats a GOOD sign!
I'll be sure to avoid that tunnel in an earthquake for sure!!! :)
Welcome back! I too have been worried about you. Sorry to hear you've been through so much. You'll be in my prayers-hang in there.
Wow..I hope you can see and feel that you are loved. With this many prayers being sent out in your name you should be feeling better in no time.
Miss you Lisa.
I was so excited to see your comment on my blog! I had to quickly check your blog. So glad to see you're back at it again. Even more, that you're feeling better. Also, I can see your dilemma over which picture to use. They're both great! We're planning on coming up in August. We would love to see you guys.
Yay! You're back! I've missed your blogs and missed hearing about what your kiddies are up to! I can't believe ho big your little man is! I'm glad your feeling better and I hope it continues to be that way!
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