For Family Home Evening tonight we got things ready and planted our Little Princess's pumpkin seeds she planted in preschool. They look a little lonely in that big planting box. The neighbors gave us some raspberries to plant. So we have pumpkins and raspberries, I'd say we're off to a good start!
Everyone helped with the gardening tonight. . .some more than others.
your like a Norman Rockwell painting! Whats with the raised boxes? Don't ya just through it all in the ground? Your raspberries and pumpkins have potential. I know they can grow there. Don't forget the zuccinni, everybody grows that there and it gets CRAZY huge! My mom also has a great strawberry patch (remember?) I'm jealous for your potential.
On the flip side we do have an awesome grape supply coming our way this summer and I think our orange tree may be producing this year too. We have hope in this here desert!
p.s. you can take the blog quiz by clicking on the box on my blog.
I think your hair is cute! I am jealous that you can garden....we had a wonderful garden when we lived in Utah! Plant some tomatoes for me--fresh tomatos YUMM!
Hi Lisa!!! So great hearing from you! Yes, the last time I saw you was many years ago in Vegas. Are you still living there? I noticed there was snow in a few of your pics and thought perhaps you've moved?! Your family is adorable. I didn't see any pics of your cute husband Nicolas Cage though. :)
Hi Lisa Lisa! It has been a long time since our Campus Plaza days. You don't look a day over 18! Nice to see you and your little ones - I can tell that you're such a good mom!
I love to garden, but I have no place to garden. I have never done it in raised boxes, you'll have to tell me how that goes. FYI..pumpkins can get out of control but it is fun to watch them grow! Good Luck!!
You are brave. I leave the gardening to my mom and hope that counts. I love your hair long.
PS- Holly was so excited that you have a blog. She says hello.
Garden boxes are definately the way to go. We've had lots of success with ours over the years. I agree--you've got to start with some tomatoes and zucchini. And our fresh peas have been wonderful (but I think it's too late to plant them now...) Good luck!
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