I finally got one for him and asked if he wanted to hold it. He was a little unsure, "yes...no...yes...no...yes" Once he got the idea that they weren't going to hurt him, all he wanted was more "lay-e-bugs"!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I finally got one for him and asked if he wanted to hold it. He was a little unsure, "yes...no...yes...no...yes" Once he got the idea that they weren't going to hurt him, all he wanted was more "lay-e-bugs"!
Monday, April 28, 2008
do we look like farmers?
For Family Home Evening tonight we got things ready and planted our Little Princess's pumpkin seeds she planted in preschool. They look a little lonely in that big planting box. The neighbors gave us some raspberries to plant. So we have pumpkins and raspberries, I'd say we're off to a good start!
Everyone helped with the gardening tonight. . .some more than others.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
yummie whole wheat pancakes
(We usually double this recipe for our family.)
1 C whole-wheat kernels
1 1/4 C milk (we use rice milk)
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1/3 C olive oil
3 Tbs honey
Put ingredients in blender and let soak for at least 20 mins. Then blend on high until it gets smooth and it doesn't blend very well. (On mine it looks like the top isn't moving.) Stir in 2 tsp baking powder. Sometimes you need to add a spoonful or two of flour to thicken it a bit. Enjoy!
Monday, April 21, 2008
a little quote
Carol had a little quote on her blog and it reminded me of one I found the other day. It said, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain." I found that a little inspiring considering the last several months.
P.S. For all of you who love the musical Wicked, I just heard it is coming to Salt Lake in April of 2009! Mark your calendars. I think tickets will go on sale Oct or Nov of this year. I have to say I am SO excited!
P.S. For all of you who love the musical Wicked, I just heard it is coming to Salt Lake in April of 2009! Mark your calendars. I think tickets will go on sale Oct or Nov of this year. I have to say I am SO excited!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
a date with my girls

This week was spring break, so I had a little one on one time with my girls. On Tue. I took Super Girl shopping. You can see her carrying all of her "loot". Just like her, she was very price-conscious. I told her how much we were able to spend and she made some good choices. If she liked something but it was a little spendy, she would say "lets keep looking." She did get some Hannah Montana jeans and is planning on wearing them to Stadium of Fire when Hannah performs. She is pretty excited about that.
On Thurs. my Little Princess and I went out. She chose to get her ears pierced. I actually didn't think she would go through with it. There weren't two people working that day, so she had to get her ears pierced one at a time. She was so brave. She just held my hand and looked straight ahead. The rest of the time she would check her ears out in every mirror in the mall.
We got lunch and it was a fun time to chat with each of them. They are growing up so fast and it makes me sad! Super Girl is like a miniature adult and was very disgusted with some of the immodest clothing that she saw. She is such a good girl. My Little Princess is still at the age where she thinks she can marry her dad. She actually wants to. It is so funny. She calls him her sweetheart and told him once, "I wish you were 4 so I could marry you."
A while back she and I had this conversation:
L.P.: If I were a marrying girl, I'd break you and Daddy up and I'd marry him.
Me: Really? Well, who would I marry?
L.P.: Johnny Cash
It was sooo funny! Where she came up with that I have no idea. I guess she thinks me and ol' Johnny Cash would make quite a pair.
I am so glad that I have daughters!! I love them!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Feeling a little crafty. . .

Carol told me about myscrapbooknook's little scrapbooking kits. The papers on this page came from the one I got in April. Let me tell you, it is SO fun getting mail that is not a bill! Except for this page, the paper and stuff is still in the box, but it is fun to take it out and look at it!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Proof of Spring
Don't let the fact that it snowed two times last week fool you, it IS actually Spring! We have lots of little things springing up in our yard to remind us. (If our Little Man would stop picking all of them, we would have a lot more "proof") Today we enjoyed some springish weather (70's), however tomorrow I hear there is a chance of snow! Will some one let Jack Frost know that Winter is WAY over?!
It was about 50/50. . .so I actually found this one where everyone is smiling AND it has the cool background.
I'll keep it up there for a while and can always change it later.:)
I'll keep it up there for a while and can always change it later.:)
Friday, April 11, 2008
I am changing the header, but I need help deciding. Mike likes the one that is up there, I like it but I think Our Little Princess has a wierd look on her face. I also like this one. . .
What do you think?

What do you think?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I'm finally posting again. . .
Well, I'm finally doing a post. I guess this is more for me than anyone else, I'm sure no one will read this since it has been ages since I have posted anything.
To be honest these last several months have been long and hard! After doing everything Dr. #1 recommended for about 3 months, I felt extremely worse as aposed to better. Dr. #2 has been nice but admittedly isn't an expert in the field of thyroid, endrocryn system issues, although he has been the most helpful. And under his care I am felling better, still not 100%. Dr. #3 is a specialist in the area and she and Dr. #1 couldn't be more polar opposites. She basically told me that everything he did messed me up more. I was feeling that, however its not really something you want to hear, that you wasted so much time and money to make yourself worse. Dr. #3 said she'll see me in 3 months in the mean time stick to Dr. #2.
Part of the frustration is that I've really tried to be prayerful and close to the Lord through this process. I guess there is something I was supposed to learn from Dr. #1. I've really tried to do a lot of research on my own to try to figure what exactly is off, based on all my blood work several things were off and there are obviously very different opinions on how to treat them (or not). I guess the key is to let the Holy Ghost be your guide. I am finding that it is really hard to distinguish between His voice and all the others.
I will say this experience has really allowed me to grow spiritually, and my husband and I are much closer through all of this. I am grateful for that.
I do MISS my Vegas friends!! I think that has added to it a little. I had such a wonderful support group and such close friends! It is hard to start over. We so far haven't made any real friends that go past the Sunday greetings. I know that is mostly my fault, I haven't really had the energy to invite people over, etc. Now that I am feeling better, I know things will improve, it just takes time.
Wow, I didn't mean for this to be so "poor me!" There have been some good things too. When my husband goes on an extended trip to somewhere fun, we just pack up the kids and go with him. School? What's that. Our poor Super Girl has missed a bit of school this year. Her grades are great, we aren't worried about it. The latest trip took us through Zion's National Park. It was beautiful!! I'll include a few pictures, but they don't do it justice. Leaving through the East side of the park you go through this mile long tunnel basically through a mountain. I wouldn't recommend it if you are closterphobic. As we were about to go in Super Girl says, "You wouldn't want to be in here in an earthquake!"
Thanks! I was actually trying to avoid that thought. It was kind of funny though.

These three mountains are called the three patriarchs after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I thought that was interesting.
To be honest these last several months have been long and hard! After doing everything Dr. #1 recommended for about 3 months, I felt extremely worse as aposed to better. Dr. #2 has been nice but admittedly isn't an expert in the field of thyroid, endrocryn system issues, although he has been the most helpful. And under his care I am felling better, still not 100%. Dr. #3 is a specialist in the area and she and Dr. #1 couldn't be more polar opposites. She basically told me that everything he did messed me up more. I was feeling that, however its not really something you want to hear, that you wasted so much time and money to make yourself worse. Dr. #3 said she'll see me in 3 months in the mean time stick to Dr. #2.
Part of the frustration is that I've really tried to be prayerful and close to the Lord through this process. I guess there is something I was supposed to learn from Dr. #1. I've really tried to do a lot of research on my own to try to figure what exactly is off, based on all my blood work several things were off and there are obviously very different opinions on how to treat them (or not). I guess the key is to let the Holy Ghost be your guide. I am finding that it is really hard to distinguish between His voice and all the others.
I will say this experience has really allowed me to grow spiritually, and my husband and I are much closer through all of this. I am grateful for that.
I do MISS my Vegas friends!! I think that has added to it a little. I had such a wonderful support group and such close friends! It is hard to start over. We so far haven't made any real friends that go past the Sunday greetings. I know that is mostly my fault, I haven't really had the energy to invite people over, etc. Now that I am feeling better, I know things will improve, it just takes time.
Wow, I didn't mean for this to be so "poor me!" There have been some good things too. When my husband goes on an extended trip to somewhere fun, we just pack up the kids and go with him. School? What's that. Our poor Super Girl has missed a bit of school this year. Her grades are great, we aren't worried about it. The latest trip took us through Zion's National Park. It was beautiful!! I'll include a few pictures, but they don't do it justice. Leaving through the East side of the park you go through this mile long tunnel basically through a mountain. I wouldn't recommend it if you are closterphobic. As we were about to go in Super Girl says, "You wouldn't want to be in here in an earthquake!"
Thanks! I was actually trying to avoid that thought. It was kind of funny though.

These three mountains are called the three patriarchs after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I thought that was interesting.
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