But we made it and the caves were worth it. You need to see it in person.

Don't worry Aaron was walking by himself next to a sheer cliff for just a second. :) He was carried pretty much the entire way. Funny story on the way down. Abby had to go to the bathroom now and the only bathrooms after the cave are at the very bottom. So Mike put her on his back and hurried to the bottom. The rest of us were much slower and farther behind. After a while I see a wet trail and a puddle. I jokingly said to Anna, "Looks like Abby didn't make it." Then just as we turned the corner we saw Mike and Abby sitting on the bench, and it was true, she didn't make it. We had some good laughs over that one!
I added this pic of the map, just so you could see that it really was long and steep. I'm sure there are those who have hiked it and thought it was a breeze, but I am out of shape. It was hard. I think I'm OK not doing that hike for another 5 years at least. :)
Abby woke up this morning and said "My booty hurts!" I think we were all feeling it a little.
Hate to tell you this, but there is a bathroom at the top too! There's a small goat trail that leads upwards close to the exit you come out of. Next week, when you tackle it again because you are a hiking superstar, you'll know to look for it!
I agree that it is a hard, steep hike! Haven't done it in probably 20 years, but I remember! Love the Abby story--too funny!
Looks like a ton of fun. Thats too bad about Abby. I can just picture Mike sitting on the bench trying to think about what he is going to do next. Hilarious.
Your description of "being up someone's nose" cracked me up. I can see it. That's neat that you took Frank. I'm glad you guys made it back with nothing more than a little booty-pain. Some of those pictures look kind of scary. My kids would be trying to jump off the edge of the trail or something scary.
SO funny!! When we did that hike darren had to do the same thing with Mary--luckily they did make it!! The day after my hips hurt-that must mean I am getting old!!
I never had the guts to do that hike when I lived there. Always, to afraid of the steepness and the cliffs. You are so brave...and then with kids...I would be a nervous wreck!! You guys are awesome! :)
funny, i was just telling heather about that cave the other day and thinking it was probably not as bad doing it as an adult. i just remember as a teenager thinking it was ROUGH. obviously it doesn't matter how old you are...it still sucks. And the picture of aaron, my first thought before i read the caption was "oh my gosh theres a cliff RIGHT THERE!"
Way to be a trooper and make the hike.
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