I have had such a blast reconnecting with friends lately!! Mike had an appointment in St George, so we went down and the Whittles met us up there. Fun!

We all had a good time seeing each other, and the SUN!

A few days later, I got together with my good friends and college roomies, Whitney and Shannon. So much fun girls~thanks!

Then Carol came to town! So much fun! The kids might have thought we were trying to kill them by taking them on a little hike, but we had fun and got some good pics!
Seeing my friends refreshes my soul! I am not kidding! I am so grateful for good friends! Thanks girls!
And last but not least, in the tradition of "hot rocks" we made "prayer rocks as a family. There is a cute poem about putting it under your pillow so it will remind you at night, then on the floor so you'll stub your toe and remind you in the morning. That's obviously not how it really goes, one day I'll find it and post it. It is a cute poem in real life. So far they have served as a good little reminder.

Our girls have the exact same bathing suits - gotta love Target, huh?! I too am a lover of good girlfriends and love to see any of mine when I can. I forgot all about prayer rocks, think that might have to be an upcoming FHE!!
I think every family I know has a little girl wearing that Target bathing suit. Too cute. I also think it is funny that this month my girls made prayer rocks too. (Bailey has 2 thanks to Activity Days). Although the primary had them make what seems like a Prayer boulder. They are huge and quite dangerous.
As for the value of good friends...I too can attest to the truth on that one. My friends are like life water to me. You girls make me feel valued and rejuvinated. I'm glad you got to feel some of that yourself.
I love you Lisa.
um your prayer rocks are huge! I remember mine being a little smaller than that. Thats funny. I can,t wait to see you guys this weekend..it will be loads of fun. miss n love your guts!!
ya so, Samantha TOO has that swimsuit! we've all got such good taste!
and HELLOOOOO.....look at that big ol nogin' I got sittin' atop my shoulders. Shees, never realized my head was sooooo huge!
it was so great to see you...the best part of our weekend! seriously...
We've got the prayer boulders too. Gotta love 'em!
Congrats about your decision to adopt. I have so many friends that've been blessed with sweet little ones. All my siblings are adopted too. Totally life changing! Good luck.
Friends are definitely the best! It's just such a nice change of pace to hang out with the girls.
+ I agree with Jill-- your rocks are huge! No forgetting to pray with those bad boys around :)
check you girls out love the picture.
I heart you too Lisa!
Ditto! You guys are so awesome. We had a way fun day with you. Also, I got your message and am so lame for not calling back yet, but I don't think that couch place is the same one. I am pretty sure ours went out of business. But it sounds like the exact same principle--maybe they started up a new shop!
It is so good to hear from you and see your cute children. And how fun to see Shannon. The two of you together definitely brings a smile to my face. I have been so out of the loop lately...what is the deal with the adoption papers? Also, love the prayer rocks. Thanks for the idea...I think we will do that with the kids for FHE.
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