I guess that's what we've been doing this month. I don't know where the time has gone! Feb. has been a busy month, but busy doing what. . .I'm not sure. Lots of stuff, I just can't put my finger on it.

Definitely one of the highlights for our whole family was going thru the open house of the Draper temple. It is one of the new "smaller temples". Absolutely beautiful! Anna wanted to wear her baptism dress, so she would be dressed all in white. After seeing the temple Anna said, "I want to be married here." Every mother's dream! It really was a great spiritual experience.

I have been trying to keep up with my photo a day for "project 365," so I guess I'll include a few of those. Just as a reminder to me, I guess, that I have done something.

The End. :)
I love the dancing picture. We are headed to the Draper Temple this week. What a precious family you have. Hope all is well.
I absolutely love the dancing picture. What a beautiful moment suspended in time!
love aaron sleeping...so cute~
I have to agree with you about taking the kids though the temple open house. It is an spiritual experience. We took the kids thought the Twin Falls temple last Aug. The girls said they can't wait to go there and be married.
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