I took the "Project 365" challenge (and bought the kit) to take a picture a day for the year 2009. Let's hope I can keep up! The kit is cool, and will make it very easy to put them into layouts.
You can find out more about it at www.beckyhiggins.com/blog/ . I'm curious if anyone else is taking the challenge, kit or not. . .
Your link isn't working but I am intrigued and might be up to the challenge...But do you have another link?? I'm gonna try google...
Ok...me again...lol...
I love the idea! LOVE IT! But they are sold out of the kit..even though you don't need it. I'm doing it. I have been struggling with "scrapbooking" over the last year so I am so excited to try this way of recording my life each day. Thanks for leading me to it!!!
Just curious...did you wind up getting the kit or did your order have issues?? I'm still sticking to it taking pictures and journaling everyday but I am not sure how I'm going to display everything without the kit...
P.S. My comments seem to have taken over this post...sorry...lol!
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