Happy Election day! It is snowing outside today, and I feel just as cold inside. I don't really want either
candidate to win! I fear for my wonderful country's future in the hands of either party for different reasons. I've heard people say they are voting for "the lesser of two evils." But on which issues? Abortion? Foreign Policy? The war? Bringing our Troops Home? Health Care? The Economy? I think depending on which issue you are focusing on, "the lesser evil" could be either one. I've also heard some are voting because of who they chose for a running mate. Did you know that really the VP is just there to step in if the Pres. dies and cast a deciding vote should there ever be a tie (which I'm not sure there ever has been)? The Pres does not have to take advise from the VP, so voting on the basis of the VP seems silly. The Pres may not even consult with him/her, they may have only chosen him/her to boost their polls during the election. Who knows.
I think I'd rather "write in" a name than vote for either one. I know people say that is throwing my vote away, but I look at it as making a statement. At least I'm not endorsing some one I cannot agree with, but I'm saying "I don't like either of you."
I will get off my soap box now.
Go Vote your
conscience. We'll see how it all plays out tonight.
I dont think you are the only one who feels this way. That is what I have been getting from others that I have talked to. We just cant win either way. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that something good might come out of all of this...
I honestly think people should be more concerned about who they vote in as senators then who is the president. Yes, the President has veto power, etc. But the senate is really where all the work gets done right?
I feel ya'...I hated the choices this year. We're just watching the Prop 8 issues and hoping it passes.
I agree with you 100%. I love your quote of the week. That is a good reminder for all of us. Thanks.
I couldn't agree more! I actually did a write-in (Mitt Romney) because there was no way I was supporting either evil. Here's to the next 4 years....
I'm posting my comment after the election and with a heavy heart. I also felt that niether man could best serve the interest of me or my children. I am frustrated with the outcome mostly because I think people voted for someone they liked instead of someone they needed.
I am also a Californian who voted YES on prop 8 and I am proud to say we won. I know that my parents and other ward members stood on street corners while people swore at them and flipped them off. I know that signs were stolen off our front lawns and people were repeatedly calling us bigots among other things. I also know that it was all worth it and I am proud of our efforts.
I also know that I wished we would have placed some effort into the abortion issue that we had to vote on yesterday. Now young girls no longer have to get their parents permission before getting an abortion. I am dissappointed in our church and state for not focusing more on that issue.
Overall I am dissappointed but like I told my daughter Bailey this morning...Now is not the time to dwell on dissappointment. Now is the time to work together to fix what we can and if things don't work out....We Vote Again in 4 More Years and this time we get it right.
although i didn't vote for obama and don't agree with most of his ideas...i still felt the historical significance of his election and it made me proud to be an american!
i took a stand. :)
I'm so with you. Sad & scary. ;(
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