There was a girl who wore the exact same outfit as Abby on the first day. You would think it would be terrible, but it has made them the best of friends. They sit by each other and play at recess everyday now. I'm so glad she has a friend she looks forward to seeing.
Everyday after school she seems a little more and more tired. Today, before school, she asked me if it was the weekend yet. I think having school everyday takes a little getting used to. I keep asking her what they did at school and she'll say "We played with Play-dough and puzzles" or "I can't really explain it." I'm sure (or hoping) they do more than that. :)

Abby is so darling! I love that they play with play-dough--but hopefully not for the whole year!
Abby seems so mature and grownup. I guess California let's them in Kindergarten early. My Grace looks like a baby compared to Abby.
Congrats on having two gorgeous girls in school. Pretty soon you will be all alone at home and you won't know what to do with yourself. Enjoy them while they are home. Amanda
"i can't really explain it"!!!! that's hillarious!
she looks so different in that picture...so much more MATURE.
That is a sweet picture of your girls heading to school.
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