* While we were picking veggies from the garden, Aaron picked Anna and I some Morning Glory flowers (I mean weeds) from the yard. Anna put hers behind her ear and Aaron wanted to do the same, but Anna convinced him that "boys put flowers in their shirt pockets."
She dressed him up in "handsome clothes" so he would put the flower in his pocket. She told him if he was
handsome, Mom would take his picture and put it on her blog. (Probably true) They had fun for at least 20 mins getting dressed up, she even brushed his hair.
*Abby had her Kindergarten well check and shots today. I wish I could say she was brave, but...we had lots of tears. She cracks me up, though. One Sunday we were fasting as a family (optional for the young ones, of coarse) and in the morning she told Mike "Anyway, I'm fasting, but I'm not fasting chocolate milk." lol :) I guess Abby likes this little boy in our ward. Anna told me that Abby liked him, and Abby said "NO! I don't like him! I just like how he looks and his face and his hair." Oh, OK.
*Little Miss Anna is wishing, wishing, wishing she were older! She stuffed her tank top, put lipstick on, and sat on a phone book at the kitchen table (so she would look taller). Abby asked her if she was trying to be a mom and Anna said, "No, I just want to be 18." She wants so badly to be older, and acts older. She was talking to the younger kids like she was their mom, then she turned to me and said "Sorry, I'm kind of taking over your job, Mom." I told her I can totally handle being the mom and to enjoy being a kid as long as she can because once you are an adult, you're an adult forever.