Last weekend we decided, spur of the moment, to do a little BBQ up the canyon. We actually live very close to it. We can bike there from our house. This time we drove, because we had all the BBQ stuff. It was perfect weather and an awesome evening. 
We took our friend Frank with us. We came to know Frank about 8 yrs ago in Vegas and he moved up here about a year before we did. We are seriously the closest thing he has to family (sad). He is a little bit like Rainman meets Forest Gump. Extremely smart in some areas, but slow in most others. Its hard for him to get and hold a job, but not for lack of trying. I really wonder what would happen to him if he didn't have the church.
So, I handed him to Mike and the girls and I continued up. We didn't get all the way up, but pretty far. We discovered going up is way easier than coming down! It was such a nice little break, I felt like I was on vacation!
I like the picture of the girls eating! So cute! It is very kind of you to take your friend Frank along! You are very much like christ. April
Oh my gosh!!! FRANK???? When I read that I thought, I can't be reading this right. Frank lives in Vegas. And then I continued on in your story and there was the reason why Frank was on your canyon trip with you. How crazy is that???? Does he live right by you? guys must be too good to him. The Lord is just keeping you by him. Way to go Forsyths!!!
How nice to be so close to the mountains! Looks like you had a blast. How nice of you to take Frank along. You all look so cute!
just look how cute ya'll are! Aaron is getting so big. The girls look adorable.
Can I come visit you soon????? :)
How sweet of you to take Frank. You guys all look adorable. I love day trips like that. They give you such a sense of renewal. Plus they're fun. ;)
Um, hello, can I say Anna on your flashback friday. That is hilarious. Looks like you guys are having fun. Miss n love ya.
I don't think I would want Aaron climbin those rocks either. I don't think I've even gone that far up before getting nervous.
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