Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Fall Everyone!!
My little helper. . .
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I was feeling a bit crafty. . .
Our Super Girl has been way into butterflies and moths lately, trying to catch all she can find (or get her hands onto). So we looked up stuff about them on the internet and then made a little "life cycle of a butterfly" thing.
We found out that some kind of butterfly likes to lay its eggs on aspen or apple trees. So we plucked these leaves from our yard and did a leaf rubbing, then glued "eggs" (rice) on them.
Then we made catterpillars out on pon-pons.
And we made butterflies by melting crayon shavings between 2 pieces of wax paper and cutting it out. It was all very easy and the kids enjoyed! So fun, I like to be crafty!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A few more scraps
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Our Garden
This is our garden. . .its a weed patch actually, but I have dreams of it being a fabulous and fertile garden next year. Somehow, (we didn't plant it) this little corn stalk grew. I took a picure of it next to the Little Man, so you could see it only comes up to his shoulder. It is quite small and probably won't mature all the way, but we have enjoyed watching it grow and making plans for many more next year.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Great Find!
First Day
It was our Little Princess's first day of Pre-school. She is so social, she has been begging to go for weeks! The day finally arrived and we all couldn't be happier. The only down side is that between dropping her and her older sister off at their different schools, my Tuesdays and Thursdays are broken up into little 2 hour blocks. Oh well, the price we pay. . .
Grandparents are so fun!
Thanks for the great week!!
My parents came down for a week! It was soo wonderful to see them, I really wish we lived closer!
Unfortunately, their car was over heating on the long 15 hour drive down and the mechanics couldn't find what was wrong. They didn't trust it to drive home, so they left it here for us to sell and flew home. Looks like they will be buying a new car. . .Bummer.
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