Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Second day
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
First day

Has anyone seen the Little Man?
Friday, August 17, 2007
I've been tagged!
1. If you could swap faces/bodies with a celebrity who would it be?
I always think that Jennifer Anniston (sp?) has cute hair and her arms are nice and toned. I might change faces but not lives. I am quite happy being a mom and not a celeb.
2. What is your favorite room or decor in your home? (picture appreciated)
I would have to say the upstairs fireplace. I just think it looks rustic and cozy, like you want to sit around it drinking hot cocoa while it snows out side. One day I will put pictures of the kids in the picture frames and maybe some color on the walls.
3.What city or state fascinates you?
I don't really know! I just like to travel and see new things learn about their history and take pictures of it all.
4. Did your wedding turn out the way you hoped and what was your favorite part?
My wedding was nice, my style has changed so much since then that there is a lot I would go back and do over. My favorite part was the cake and the honeymoon.
5. Was there anything that happened in high school that you thought was horrifying or terrible, that you look back on now and laugh about how upset you were about it?
I can't say that there was anything too terrible that happened to me in high school. I am so boring.
Ok, so now I guess I tag Nicole, Amanda, and Jill and give you 5 new questions. You pass 5 new ones on to the poor people that you choose. Good luck. Your questions are:
1.What is your funniest/ most embarrassing childhood memory?
2. What dessert just makes you feel happy?
3. Which of your children is most like you and why?
4. What would be your "dream job" and why?
5. What color best matches your personality?
Ahhh. . . Nature
We went up the canyon to take a hike through some cave, but there was a 2 hour wait. So, we went exploring up the canyon and found this cute reservoir in the middle of these rolling hills/mountains.
As we were hiking along the river we came accross some butterflies eating thistles. They let our Super Girl get so close, she caught one! Amazing.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I'm Back. . .
I can't believe I haven't updated this for almost 2 months. Well, we have moved and we like our place. We all miss our friends, however. I will post some pictures of the new place later.
We just got back from our trip to WA. I always love going home. It is so relaxing, I feel like my blood pressure drops about 50 points. It did rain the first week we were there, but even that was fun. We went on walks, saw lots of family and friends, and ate good food. A highlight for me is always Hartstine Island. My grandma had a cabin there when I was a child, so we went there often, laying a blanket on the beach and spending the day collecting shells, holding crabs, poking Gooey Ducks, and swimming. Now it has come full circle, my kids are the age I was, doing the same things I did. I love it. A perfect vacation spot. Here are a few more pictures from the trip.
Poking Gooey Ducks
The deer really let you get close! My poor brother had my Little Princess on his shoulders almost the entire time. I think she was smitten. She was telling him, "Your name should be Uncle Gorgeous, because you are so gorgeous to me." LOL

Grandparents are great. Wish we lived closer!!
Thanks girls! Lunch was so fun.
We love Lola!