Monday, April 23, 2007

such a big girl

After returning home from the Mountains we went bike riding. Our Little Princess wanted to learn how to ride without her training wheels. She surprised us all at how quickly she picked it up. We are so proud of her and I think she is also quite proud of herself. I asked her if she felt like a big girl now. "Yes," she said "I feel like I am 6" Well, of coarse, 6 is practically all grown up.

a little chilly. . .

Saturday we had this great idea to go up to the mountains for a little picinic and a little hiking. I dressed everyone in shorts and T-shirts and armed myself with sunscreen. It was around 75 at our house so we thought it would be perfect. Our first warning sign was the clouds that were forming around to top of the mountain, then at the picinic area the little rangers were wearing heavy jackets. Upon talking to them they said it was quite cold, infact they were expecting snow at night. GREAT! Luckily I had brought light jackets and a blanket. Needless to say it was a long drive for a VERY quick lunch as we were fighting off shivers. It was fun to have some variety.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A quick question. . .

How do I print these pages? Lets just say I want to print the posts but not waist the ink and reprint the entire blog every time. Is there a way to do that? I just wante to print them occassionally so I could have a hard copy in a book or something. Ok, all you blog experts, I need your help. Thanks! :)

April 17

Super Girl is so studious. Schoolwork comes easy for her and she likes to do it. I love this picture because it shows the concentration on her face. Little Princess actually took this picture! I thought the lighting was cool.

April 17

Welcome baby Reese!
Jill had her sweet baby Reese today! She is soo perfect.

April 16

The bike trailer. . .our Little Man loves the bike trailer! As long as he has his sippy cup and a treat, he is perfectly happy. He looks out the little plastic window and makes comments occasionally. Perfect! I should mention when he is done he is DONE and lets you know it. So the Little Man and I biked up
to the park to pick up our Little Princess and play with the cousins. On the way home the Little Princess was talking the whole time, then she was so quiet. She had fallen asleep with her head smooshed against the plastic window! It was soo funny!
I thought it was sweet how he had his hand on her leg.They love each other.

April 13

Sweet Sisters. On the weekends the girls like to sleep in the same bed. They stay up late (for them) and read books together. It is so sweet to hear them talking and giggling with each other. They fell asleep like this, cuddled up to each other with the light on.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April 12

After the kids went to bed the last couple of nights I have been busy scrapbooking! The "sisters" one I scraplifted from Heather. Thanks Heather! The last page an annonymous mystery scrapbooker did for me, he did pretty good for his first page! :)

April 11

April 10

April 9

We thought we put the Easter candy out of reach, but where there's a will there's a way!!

April 8

Happy Easter!!

April 7

Valley of Fire

April 6

April 5

new blog

ok! I've started another new blog. I'll stick with this one. I've kept up with the photo a day thing so I'll get caught up on that.